A French mission is established at Boughton Hill (Gannagaro). The name means Place Where the Basswood Bark Lay, possibly referring to a bark water pipeline running down a hillside, perhaps the first pipeline in America.
Due to adoptions from conquered peoples the Iroquoian population peaks at about 25,000.
Jesuit priest François Gendron reports hearing about the Falls at Niagara.
A French colony is established in the area of the future Onondaga County near Jamesville. Jesuit missionary Francis Creuxius describes the Onondaga valley, mentioning the salt springs.
The Senecas ask the French for missionaries.
The French Jesuit, Father Jacques Fremin, after first stopping at St. Michel (known to them as Gannogarae, consisting of Huron, Neutral and Onondaga captives) takes up residence with the Seneca Indians at Totiakton, founds the mission of La Conception. ** The approximate date the French settlement near Jamesville is visited by a party of Spaniards from the Mississippi by way of Olean, seeking silver. When the French and Spanish begin quarreling the Iroquois kill them all.
Father Fremin visits Huron captives at Gandougarie (East Bloomfield). Father Garnier visits the Ganondagon area, possibly establishing a mission on the Dann site.
Aug 10
La Salle and Suplician fathers Dollier de Casson and René de Brehant de Galinée, his chaplains, trying to get to the Ohio River tribes, arrive at Lake Ontario’s Irondequoit Bay. They land at Indian Landing, in today's Ellison Park, Rochester.
Aug 13
La Salle, de Casson and Galinée arrive at Totiakton (Rochester Junction), on Honeoye Creek. They present the Indians with a two-barreled pistol, for the destruction of two of their enemies, the Andostoue from near Waverly, and the Mohegan. Other presents include kettles, hatchets, knives and glass beads. The French asks for a captive to guide them.
Aug 14
The Indians stall La Salle saying they await the return of a party of young warriors from the Dutch settlements with the captives, give the French wampum belts. While awaiting the return of the party they are treated to dog meat and the sight of the torture and dismemberment of Toagenha, a young boy war captive. Indians dance and make noises to frighten their spirits away. La Salle will end up departing without a guide.
Sep 22
La Salle, recovering from an attack of fever, heads for the Niagara Peninsula.
The Seneca take La Salle to Bristol to view the “water that burns”, a local oil spring.
Great Lakes
Father Joliet discovers Lake Erie.
© 2009 David Minor / Eagles Byte
Traveling In The Old Days
2 weeks ago
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