Cayuga Republican, March 8, 1820
Montezuma Village Lots.
The lots in the village of Montezuma are now offered for sale,
being surveyed of different sizes to suit purchasers. The natural
advantages of this village are supposed to be greater than any
village possesses on the Canal from Lake Erie to Utica. It must be
the place of deposit for the produce from the Cayuga Lake, the Seneca
lake, the Canandaigua lake and outlet, Mud creek and the Seneca
river. Its inexhaustible sources of soft water, of a far superior to
that at Salina, will always render it a place of importance for the
manufacture of that necessary and useful article.
Its clay for making the different kinds of ware has been found
to be excellence; and it is expected that the abundant supply of
water to the Canal will afford a sufficiency of waste water for mill-
seats, and all other necessary hydraulic purposes. The bridge over
the Seneca river is now building, connecting it with a Turnpike road
to the east and west, which with the rapid progress of the settlement
in its immediate vicinity, must inevitably render it a place of the
first importance in the western country.
An opportunity is now afforded for persons to purchase, who
wish to settle in a growing village, or to vest their money in the
purchase of property which will rapidly increase in value. More than
fifty village lots have been sold this spring, and purchasers who
wish to have a choice of stands are requested to call soon.
Enquire of Comfort Tyler and Peter Clarke, Esq's. at Montezuma,
where a map of the village may be seen, or of Joseph Otis, James
Lovatt or James B. ?Clarke, New-York, committee for said company.
Montezuma, March 10, 1819. 39tf
Cayuga Republican, Auburn, N.Y., Wed., May 31, 1820
On Thursday morning last, a respectable number of the citizens
of this village, went to Bucksville about 7 to meet the Montezuma, a
new passage-boat on the Canal, having His Excellency DeWitt Clinton
and General Stephen Van Rensselaer on board. The boat arrived at
Bucksville from Montezuma about 7 o'clock. The morning was fine, and
our citizens went on board and continued as far as Jordan, a distance
of 10 miles. During the short passage, a breakfast was served up in
handsome style, and every attention was given by the managers of the
boat to the convenience and pleasure of the party. Our passengers
returned in a small boat to their carriages delighted with their
Cayuga Republican, May 31, 1820
Post Office Notice.
A POST OFFICE is established at Montezuma, by the name of
Montezuma Post-Office, and Richard Smith is appointed Post-Master.
Montezuma, May 25, 1820.
Geneva Gazette, Wed., July 26, 1820
Montezuma and Oneida Chief,
For the accommodation of passengers on the Erie Canal, will perform
their trips in the future, in the following order: - Leave Utica and
Montezuma every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 8 o'clock,
and meet at evening in Manlius; proceed next day at 4 o'clock, A.M.
and arrive at Utica and Montezuma at 6 P.M.
Price of Passage through the route, including provisions and lodging,
$4. Way Passengers 3 cents per mile.
Baggage at the owner's risk.
For passage apply at the Stage office, Utica; and at the Inn of
Richard Smith, Montezuma, or to the Capts. on board.
July 1, 1820.
N.B. Stages will be in waiting at most of the villages on the Canal,
and at Montezuma, to convey passengers to the Turnpike.
Cayuga Republican, Wed., Aug. 15, 1821
Mr. Editor,
Sir, - I send you a copy of a card, signed by some gentlemen
passengers, in the Canal-Boat Montezuma, with the addition of their
places of residence. Various reports are in circulation respecting
the conveyance of passengers on that section of the Canal between
Utica and Montezuma, should you give this an insertion, it may be a
satisfaction to the public, and some advantage to the Erie Canal
Navigation Company.
WE the undersigned, having passed from Utica to Weed's Basin, on
the Canal, a distance of eight-eight miles, in the in the Passage
Boat Montezuma, Capt. Joseph Swan, very cheerfully declare the great
satisfaction we have experienced, both from that mode of conveyance
and the uniform civility and obliging deportment of the Captain, and
all the persons attached to the Boat.
We fared very well a the table of the boat and felt no
inconvenience either from the heat or smell of the kitchen, and
reached our destination without fatigue, about twenty minutes before
the time appointed. Several of us had Ladies of our party, some of
whom were in delicate health, and they all found it an agreeable and
easy conveyance.
Weeds Basin, 10th August, 1821
Wm. H. Winder, Baltimore
D. Lenox, Philadelphia.
John Greenfield, New York
Ephraim, Ohio.
C. Tanner, Geneva
Cayuga Republican, April 3, 1822
The subscribers have entered into a line of FORWARDING with
John O'Hara, Esq. of Scipio, who is to have a line of Boats on the
Mohawk river, and teams on the road from Albany to Schenectady. They
will transport goods from Albany to Montezuma, or to Rochester, if
the Canal is navigable, and will transport produce to Albany, on as
good terms as any other Company that is responsible. The Boat FARMER
of Brutus, will be run by Sylvester Sheldon; Boat PERSEVERANCE, by
Elias Cady; Boat SOLACE, by Edmund B. Fellows. The boats will run on
regular days, viz: One of the above mentioned boats will leave Weed's
Basin every Monday and Thursday of each week, from the 25th April and
the 1st day of July next.
Brutus, March 28, 1822.
Geneva Gazette, Sept. 4. 1822
Daily Conveyance With The Packet Boats
The Boat Echo, going West, will leave Weed's Basin every
morning on the arrival of the above Boats, and arrive at Montezuma at
10 o'clock A.M. From thence passengers will be conveyed by Post
Coaches to Canandaigua. A Post Coach will leave Mr. Goodwin's
Tavern, in Canandaigua, every morning at 9 o'clock, and arrive at
Montezuma the same day. Boat Echo will leave Montezuma at 4 o'clock
A.M. to meet the Montezuma & Oneida Chief. This line is also
connected with the Steam Boat Enterprise, on the Cayuga Lake, which
leaves Cayuga Bridge for Ithaca on the arrival of the Coach from
Montezuma. Passages can be taken for Newburgh, Wilkesbarre and
W. FAULKNER, Geneva.
W.W. FENLON, Montezuma.
August, 1822.
Lyons Advertiser
Sept. 23, 1822
From the Albany Argus
Erie Canal
We have recently had an opportunity of acquiring some information
respecting the progress of the eastern section of this great work,
which we presume will be gratifying to our readers. It will be
recollected that this section has, for the last and present season,
been under the immediate direction and superintendence of Mr.
Seymour. The work is prosecuted with great spirit and persevering
industry. It is estimated that there are five thousand persons at
present engaged in various employments on that section of the canal.
The Schoharie creek is to be crossed by means of a dam. The dangers
and delays incident to the construction of such a work had excited
much alarm and apprehension. This dam was completely finished last
week, and is secured in the most durable and substantial manner; it
is more than six hundred feet long, and so perfect has been its
construction, that the water falls over it in an even and unbroken
The early completion of this dam & of the heavy & difficult jobs at
the Little and Great Nose, two promontories which present formidable
obstacles, together with the forward state of the work in general,
give the strongest assurance that the line of the canal will be
completed the present year as far eastward as Schenectady.
Great loss has been sustained during the present summer, occasioned
by a want of means to transport the produce of the country to market.
Large quantities of flour lay exposed to the weather for weeks in
succession and the owners had at last to pay from ten to twelve
shillings per barrel, to have it carried from the Little falls to
this city. If the canal, at the opening of this season, had been
completed to Schenectady, it is estimated that there would have been
a saving to the proprietors, in the transportation of the single
article of flour for this year alone, the enormous sum of one hundred
thousand dollars.
The amount of toll for the present year, will greatly exceed what was
estimated in the last yearÃs report.
Traveling In The Old Days
1 month ago
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