Submitted by Richard Palmer
Cayuga Republican, Tuesday, April 25, 1820.
On the 13th inst. was launched on the Seneca River, the elegant
passage boat "Montezuma". Superintended and built by C. Tyler, Esq.
she is 76 feet in length, with a proportionate with and depth,
containing an elegant dining room, kitchen, an after cabin, with
other conveniences to accommodate the passengers, finished in a style
not inferior to any boats of passage on the American waters. She will
be ready for running upon the canal in about ten days, and will run
back and forth from Seneca River to Utica, a distance of 96 miles in
24 hours. On the day of launching, the Montezuma was taken through
the lock on the canal, and driven by two horses two miles in thirty
minutes, with 70 passengers aboard.
Onondaga Register, Syracuse, Wed., April 26, 1820
On April 20, the Montezuma arrived from Montezuma, built and
fitted up expressly for passengers, after a model furnished by
Comfort Tyler. There are two cabins with a kitchen and cooking
stove. It is 76 feet long, 14 feet wide. It arrived in Syracuse at 2
p.m. At 4 p.m. nearly 100 went aboard. The boat started from Salina
Banks loaded with people. It traveled a mile and a half in 22
minutes. A procession with a band went to Beach's Inn and returned in
a short time, 150 persons went aboard and returned to Syracuse. Two
horses were used, but one would have been sufficient. Canal is about
2 1/2 feet deep.
Lyons Republican, Friday, Aug. 3, 1821
The Grand Canal.
The business of the Canal progresses rapidly in this vicinity.
We are informed from a respectable source, hat the whole of the
western section, extending from Montezuma to Rochester is under a
great state of forwardness. The principal part of the excavation
between Rochester and Palmyra is completed; from Palmyra to this
place, and from this to Montezuma, there has been several jobs
completed and accepted of, and the remainder is progressing in a
manner to be completed about the first of September. There is at
present some difficulty in procuring a sufficient number of hands, as
laborers are in great demand at this season of the year among the
farmers, but as soon as the bustle of harvesting is over this
difficulty will subside.
The season has been rather unfavorable to the progression of
the work on the Cayuga Marsh, owing to the quantity of rain that has
fallen. The stone work throughout the line is progressing tolerably
well, and will no doubt be completed in season.
Geneva Gazette, April 18, 1822
Are wanted, for about ten weeks, to work in the construction of
the Canal through the Cayuga Marshes. Good hands shall receive from
twelve to thirteen dollars per month, in cash, to at the end of every
month, week, or day, at their option. Thy shall be well fed, and
lodged in comfortable shanties, with sufficient blankets. They will
be subject to some inconvenience from water and mud; but a portion of
the work will be dry; and all experience proves that men may labor on
the Marsh without any unusual exposure of health until the middle of
July, before which it is intended to have this portion of the Canal
completed. Those, who are willing to be employed, under this notice,
can apply to either of the subscribers at Montezuma.
Canal Contractors
April 5, 1822.
I certify that Hovey & Wethy are responsible men, and that I
have full confidence that they will pay all the hands employed by
them according to agreement.
Canal Commissioner
Traveling In The Old Days
3 months ago
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