Thursday, April 7, 2011


NOTE:Due to a conflict with a Town Board meeting,

our Tuesday program has been moved from the Town Hall to the Greece Community & Senior Center

(next door to the Town Hall). Same parking lot, different building!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 7 PM
Vince Tofany Blvd 14612

WELLS, GRAVEYARDS AND RUINS: Reclaiming a People's History

by Laurence W. Feasel - Professor Emeritus - Monroe Community College

History is much more than the story of great events. It can tell us much
about how our fore bearers lived. In doing this we can assess whether our
history is one of progress and our lives measurably better. This
presentation will focus on three tools to examine peopleís history.

Wells can be time capsules telling us much about engineering,
hygiene, and what people throw away. Graveyards mirror life spans, family sizes,
causes of death, religious values, and respect for ancestors. Ruins show us
construction standards, community living, the movement of peoples, past
occupations, and sports. The objective of the presentation is to make us
more attentive to our surroundings.

Laurence W. Feasel taught history, political science and criminal
justice for 38 years. He has a master's degree from the U of R and a
masters in theology at St. Bernard's Institute. In 1999 he was ordained as
a deacon and now serves at Rochester General Hospital as a deputy chaplain.
He is a Vietnam veteran and retired Colonel, US Army Reserve.

The public is welcome. Reservations are not necessary. There is no charge to
the visit the museum or to attend the programs of the Greece Historical
Society although donations to support the mission and activities of the
Society are greatly appreciated.

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