Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lock 52, Port Byron

This Thursday, April 28th, the public is invited to a presentation at Syracuse University on the Port Byron Old Erie Canal Heritage Park. Canal Society of New York State president Thomas Grasso and Nathan Ogdahl, Master of Landscape Architecture student will discuss the project sited where you pass the former canal lock on the NYS Thruway while heading east, just before the Port Byron exit.

You will also be shown a digital 3-dimensional model of the proposed park.

The event will take place from 2 to 4 PM at Marshall Hall, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, at 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse.

For more information on the project visit the Canal Society’s web site at


For directions to Marshall Hall visit


Parking is available at the SU Irving Garage on Irving Avenue, near the Carrier Dome


New Society April Trip

The first New Society of the Genesee meeting of 2011 will take place this Saturday, April 30th, at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, 657 East Avenue in Rochester, NY.

We will meet in the auditorium at 10:00 a.m. Following a tour of the Albert Stone photograph collection and a talk on Frederick Douglass by Lea Kemp, we will have a luncheon buffet at 1:00 p.m. in the Studio at Cunningham House on the grounds of the museum.

Albert R. Stone pioneered American photojournalism at the Rochester Herald and Democrat and Chronicle. The collection is composed of 14,000 glass plate negatives.

Please rsvp to Martha Johnstone by today, April 26th, if you have not already done so.

585 473-0404


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Early New York Travel Resumption


Up until the Crooked Lake Review went digital it was carrying a series of my essays on New York City and State through the years. (Partway down the left side of the opening screen you’ll see the link

“Author Index”

click on my name and you’ll find the all essays listed for previous years).

I’ve resumed putting this series out around once a month.

Right now they’ll continue on my Eagles Byte blog


since they deal with eastern New York, Long Island, and New York City.

The first was just posted there on this date.

When the focus changes to the part of the state west of Syracuse I’ll switch them back over here to the Crooked Lake Review blog.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rochester History Lecture Series

Tuesday, April 26, 7 p.m.

Highland Room, German House:

"The German House" with Donovan Shilling

The German House, 315 Gregory St.

$10, with coffee and tea. (Beer & wine available at the bar.)

For details, contact Rose O'Keefe: rok@rochester.rr.com; (585.244.4558)

Coffee, tea, donated by Bona Fide Coffee, http://www.bonafidecoffee.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Genesee Valley Civil War Roundtable

presents Bob Gullo on "The Escape of John Wilkes Booth" at 7:30 p.m. April 20. The meeting will be held at the American Legion, 53 West Main St., Le Roy.

A discussion period will follow. New members are welcome.

Bob's account covers the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the capture of Booth.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Civil War Soldiers of Pittsford

Thursday April 14, 7:30 p.m.
at Christ Episcopal Church, 36 South Main Street in Pittsford, NY

"Illuminated History: The Civil War Soldiers of Pittsford"

Historic Pittsford Board Member and Civil War genealogist, Vicki Profitt, recounts stories of local residents who served in this North/South conflict. This is an opportunity to observe, in an up close and personal way, the sesqui-centennial of our nation's sad but epic event.

Open to the public - No charge

Thursday, April 7, 2011


NOTE:Due to a conflict with a Town Board meeting,

our Tuesday program has been moved from the Town Hall to the Greece Community & Senior Center

(next door to the Town Hall). Same parking lot, different building!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 7 PM
Vince Tofany Blvd 14612

WELLS, GRAVEYARDS AND RUINS: Reclaiming a People's History

by Laurence W. Feasel - Professor Emeritus - Monroe Community College

History is much more than the story of great events. It can tell us much
about how our fore bearers lived. In doing this we can assess whether our
history is one of progress and our lives measurably better. This
presentation will focus on three tools to examine peopleís history.

Wells can be time capsules telling us much about engineering,
hygiene, and what people throw away. Graveyards mirror life spans, family sizes,
causes of death, religious values, and respect for ancestors. Ruins show us
construction standards, community living, the movement of peoples, past
occupations, and sports. The objective of the presentation is to make us
more attentive to our surroundings.

Laurence W. Feasel taught history, political science and criminal
justice for 38 years. He has a master's degree from the U of R and a
masters in theology at St. Bernard's Institute. In 1999 he was ordained as
a deacon and now serves at Rochester General Hospital as a deputy chaplain.
He is a Vietnam veteran and retired Colonel, US Army Reserve.

The public is welcome. Reservations are not necessary. There is no charge to
the visit the museum or to attend the programs of the Greece Historical
Society although donations to support the mission and activities of the
Society are greatly appreciated.

Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site

The TR Site is pleased to be co-hosting the Western New York Land
Conservancy's Winter/Spring Speakers Series with all lectures taking place here
at the TR Site. The fourth lecture in the series will take place on Monday,
April 11th at 5:30 pm. Guest speaker is Stan Radon, Geologist with the NYS
Department of Environmental Conservation.

Popular for his gripping tours of local rock formations, Mr. Radon will be
speaking about time, climate, and the evolution of the geology and landscape of
Western New York. He has been a geologist with the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation for the past 20 years and teaches geology and
environmental sciences at SUNY at Buffalo and Daemen College. The lecture is
free and open to the public.

The Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site is operated by the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Foundation, a registered non-profit organization, through a cooperative agreement with the National Park Service.

641 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 • (716) 884-009

Seneca Army Depot's 70th anniversary

The Seneca County Industrial Development Agency and several Finger Lakes historical societies are marking the 70th anniversary of the former Seneca Army Depot with a series of programs.

The 9,500-acre site, once used to store nuclear weapons, closed in 2000. The Seneca County IDA has since worked to redevelop the site and attract tenants.

The first program will be at 7:30 p.m. April 12 at the Ulysses Historical Society, 39 South St. in Trumansburg, Tompkins County. Seneca County Historian Walt Gable will discuss why Seneca County was selected for such large-scale military construction. This first program will be repeated at 7 p.m. May 3 at the Seneca Falls Historical Society, 55 Cayuga St.

For more information, contact Gable at (315) 539-1785 or wgable@co.seneca.ny.us.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Through the Eyes and Camera Lens of Paul Malone Spiegel

April 10th, 2011 3:00 PM

Historic Brighton Spring Event

Brighton Town Hall Auditorium

2300 Elmwood Avenue

Historic Brighton Presents

Historic Pittsford Through the Eyes and Camera Lens of Paul Malone Spiegel

Paul Spiegel is considered a rare treasure to his community. At 94 years young, Paul continues to do what he enjoys; to gather historic photos, photograph current Pittsford life, and share his hometown’s story.

Come and learn about our good neighbor, Pittsford, through a fascinating collection

of photos and remembrances of a fascinating gentleman.


Jan 27

The First Presbyterian Church of Marcellus is organized.

Feb 6

Rochester businessman Hiram Sibley is born in North Adams, Massachusetts.

Feb 20

The Onondaga County town of Cicero is formed from the town of Lysander.

Mar 2

The U. S. Senate authorizes Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin to begin planning for roads, canals, and other internal improvements.

Mar 3

The Gilbert family settles the future Childs, New York, in Genesee (later Orleans) County.

Mar 23

Rochester businessman-politician Amon Bronson is born in Scipio.

May 30

New York acquires the deserted reminder of the Cayuga Nation reservation for $4,800.

Jul 2

Allegany County courts begin sitting, at Angelica.


A broke James Wadsworth scrapes together enough money this month and next to pay $200 to a creditor. ** Indebted freight hauler Jesse Hawley surrenders to authorities, spends the next twenty months in debtors' prison in Canandaigua.

Sep 14

John Jacob Astor’s daughter Magdalen marries former St. Croix governor Adrian Bentzon, a Dane. The couple will live at Richmond Hill, which Astor once leased to former governor and current U. S. vice-president George Clinton.

Oct 3

Surveyor William Peacock marries Alice Evans, daughter of Joseph and Ann Ellicott Evans.

Oct 27

Hawley writes the first of thirteen essays from jail for the Ontario Messenger under the name Hercules, proposing a canal across New York State.

Oct 30

Future general James Samuel Wadsworth is born in Geneseo to James and Naomi Wolcott Wadsworth.

Dec 19

Newfane settler James Van Horn marries Abigail Carpenter shortly after his first wife, Elizabeth, dies.


The first printing press in Genesee County. Elias Williams starts The Intelligencer, the first newspaper in the county. ** Samuel Gates pioneers Perry, erecting a cabin overlooking the inlet of Silver Lake. ** Construction begins on the Cayuga County courthouse at Auburn. ** Charles Harford builds a grist mill at the middle falls of the Genesee at Frankfort (later Rochester), the settlement's second mill. ** Daniel D. Tompkins is elected governor, serves to 1817. ** The approximate date the Starr Tavern at Williamsburgh burns down. Richardson’s Tavern is built diagonally across the square. It burns down sometime in the 1860s. ** 67 turnpike companies and 21 bridge companies have been chartered to build 3,000 miles of road, crossing twenty bridges, through the state, at a total capital investment of $5,500,000. 900 miles of turnpike are currently in operation. ** The approximate date Joseph Thompson of Peru, Massachusetts, builds a story-and-a-half trading post on the road to Braddock’s Bay in Monroe County. His Massachusetts partner David Tuttle sends supplies and trade goods to Thompson. ** Holt and Robbins’ Herkimer Farmer’s Monitor ceases publication. ** The approximate date Benjamin Corey begins publishing the Herkimer Pelican. ** The Cayuga, having sold their lands, move west to join the Ohio Mingo (Seneca of Sandusky). ** Construction begins on a school at Swan and Pearl streets in Buffalo, the village's first. ** Vernon, Vermont, native Martha Howe arrives in Prattsburgh with her widowed mother, to settle. ** Colonel Wilhelmus Mynderse builds a second mill on the falls of the Seneca River. ** Isaac Sherwood opens a stagecoach stop at Skaneateles. ** The Triangle Tract and additional land is taken off Northhampton, forming the Town of Murray. ** The approximate date New Jersey native James Van Horn buys 673 acres south of Lake Ontario, the future Newfane, from the Holland Land Company. ** Joseph Thomson of Peru, Massachusetts, opens a tavern in the future Riga. His partner, David Tuttle, stays behind minding another store. ** A son, Lynham, is born to Yates County pioneers John and Catherine Beddoe. Beddoe has a second, larger house, of hewn logs, built by Benjamin Durham. ** A log meeting house is built at Gorham on land donated by the Cayward family. ** Nathaniel Poole and Walter Palmer are the first settlers to arrive in the Sweden area. Later in the year four other families arrive. ** The state has 121,289 eligible voters. ** Aurelius store and tavern keeper John Harris is elected to the Tenth Congress. ** Bergen doctor Levi Ward moves to Le Roy.


The Baroness Hyde de Neuville sketches the village. ** Cattle drover Benjamin Barton move to Lewiston.


The first church in Monroe County is built here. ** Glover Perrin opens an inn on the future Monroe Avenue, later the site of the Phoenix Building. ** Stephen Lusk moves his family from Penfield to Pittsford, starts a home, farm and tannery at an intersection known as The Milepost.


The former grist mill of Colonel Josiah Fish is destroyed by fire, possibly the result of lightning.

Steuben County

The board of supervisors forms its first standing committee, to examine the county treasurer's accounts. ** The county grants $2,000.02 for towns to pay for bridges, including those at Canisteo and Dansville. ** A bounty of $5 each is offered on wolves and panthers.

© 2011 David Minor / Eagles Byte

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2011 Regional Preservation Conference

Repair, Rehabilitate, Reuse

Strategies for Sustaining Buildings & Communities

The Landmark Society of Western New York’s 
25th Annual Preservation Conference

Saturday, April 30, 2011, 
8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 
Dansville Middle School, 
Dansville, NY



The Landmark Society’s Annual Preservation Conference is the only annual conference in central/western New York that focuses on historic buildings, sites and landscapes.


Workshop Tracks & Conference Schedule

If you work with, live in, or want to save a historic property, you won’t want to miss The Landmark Society’s 25th Annual Preservation Conference on Saturday, April 30. From the economic benefits of reusing historic downtown buildings, to the ways homeowners can save money by preserving their homes’original features, you’ll learn how historic buildings and landscapes contribute to economically and environmentally healthy, sustainable communities.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Wellsville Meeting

Historical Society to meet April 6th

The Thelma Rogers Genealogical and Historical Society will hold the April meeting at 7:30pm on Wednesday, April 6th at the First Trinity Lutheran Church, 470 N. Main St., Wellsville.

The entertainment program will be “More than Meets the Eye” by Kitty Kirsch, Director of the Allegany County Association for the Blind and Visually Handicapped. Other participants will be Judy Brush, Treasurer, Bernie Repenhagen, Secretary and Association Historian, June Helmer.

TRH&GS believes that it is of interest to know how the ACAB came to be established in Wellsville. You will recognize the names of the dedicated people and families who were charter Board members. And you will enjoy hearing many stories of dedication and support. The legacy of their foresight and commitment continues today. Our community is fortunate to be the home of this unique service!

The public is welcome to attend as our guests and refreshments will be served.

The program will follow a brief business meeting starting at 7:30 p.m.

The Thelma Rogers Genealogical and Historical Society owns and operates the Nathaniel Dyke Museum at 118 E. Dyke St. in Wellsville. The museum is closed from November through April but is always open at your request. For more information contact thelmargh@gmail.com or call 585-593-4515.