Thursday, May 13, 2010

Canal News - 1823 / 1825 / 1833 / 1852

The Advertiser, Lyons, Friday Jan. 17, 1823

Canal Navigation. The following statements shews the amount of property which passed this village on the Erie Canal, in 1820 It will be recollected that this section of the canal was not navigable from the first of July till about the first of November

32,703 bbls. Flour

12,181 bbls. Salt

1,475 do. Provisions,

406 do Ashes.

7,849 bushels Wheat

92,507 feet Boards.

40,245 gallons Whiskey

14,492 lbs. Lard

87 tons Castings

349 boxes Soap

besides a great variety of articles, the amount of which in the aggregate, is considerable. The quantity of flour and salt is large, for the time the canal was navigable. The amount of toll collected on this section, is sufficient to shew the increasing importance of the "Big Ditch."

Wayne County Sentinel, Palmyra. Wed. March 30, 1825.

The Western Villages. - Under this head, some of the city papers have very properly noticed the extraordinary growth of several of the villages on the line of the Erie Canal since its partial completion; but we have not seen a single work respecting Palmyra . We cheerfully respond that great improvements are making in nearly all of our western villages, and few present greater evidences of the fact than the one in which we have the good fortune to be located. No speculating spirit has hurried its march of improvement beyond the degree which its own resources will warrant and sustain. Surrounded as it is by a wealthy and fertile country, and an enterprising and rapidly increasing population, it seem as if nature has heretofore done more for its facilities and importance that the citizens themselves. But we take pleasure in stating, that an enterprising spirit seldom witnessed, and a disposition to "put a shoulder to the wheel" to improve and raise up our village, is now universally manifested by them.

We had indulged a hope that a correct census of this village, accompanied by a minute statement of its growing condition, would be furnished for publication before this time; but we cannot forbear to mention, while on this subject, some of the great improvements now going on.

New streets are laying out, and preparations for building are making. In addition to the three large and commodious store-house already erected in this village, three more are now building, which will probably be finished in the course of four weeks; an excellent and convenient wharf is also constructing by the Messrs. Thayres, connected with Rogers Basin. The business done on the canal last year, at this point, proved the necessity of these conveniences. The number of dwelling houses, merchants, and mechanics shops &c.,&c.,&c., to be erected the ensuing season, is greater, perhaps, than was ever before known in any season.

The Wayne Sentinel, Palmyra Wednesday, May 1, 1833

The great eastern mail is now received at this place, by the way of the Free Bridge and Vienna, from eight to ten hours earlier than it was before the change in the route, and generally in advance of the mail which is brought with all reasonable speed on horseback over the old route through Montezuma and Lyons - both leaving Elbridge simultaneously. The proprietors and the public have abundant reason to be well satisfied with the change. The particular arrangements of the stages over this route, we understand, will be announced to the public by the proprietors in a few days.

Syracuse Journal, April 26, 1852

The Canals. The Oneida Lake is still blockaded by ice, and boats from the east bound for Oswego will be obliged to come by way of this city for the present.

Business at this point started rather sluggishly, owing to the insufficiency of water. UP to 6 oíclock last evening there were 20 clearances ó all loaded, except one, with corn from Canton, Camillus and Bellisle. The amount of tolls received was $543.37. The water on the long level east was not high enough to permit the lockage of boats. The water was not let in here until Monday night, and consequently there have been no boats loaded.

Syracuse Journal, April 30 1852

Canal Tolls - The amount of canal tolls received at the Collector's office in this city during the first ten days of navigation, ending the month of April, the present year is $4,462.64. During the corresponding period last year, the amount received was $5,346.33 exceeding the present year by $883.69 - The decrease is much less than might have been anticipated from the embarrassments that have been experienced from scarcity of water, and from Railroad competition. The ensuing half month will doubtless put another face on the aspect of things.

Submitted by Richard Palmer

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