Submitted by Richard Palmer
Palmyra Register, Wednesday Nov. 1 1820
(From the Niagara Patriot)
Distressing Shipwrecks
The gale of Wednesday, the 11th inst (Oct.), has proved the most
destructive of lives and property on Lake Erie, of any within our
recollection. A gentleman, from Erie Pa., who arrived in this village
a few days since, has put us in possession of the following
melancholy list of calamities, the effects of this terrible tempest:
The schr. Franklin, captain White, of Erie, of 90 tons, owned by Mr.
Peter S. V. Hamot, of Erie, with a cargo of between three and $4,000
worth of merchandise, belonging to Mr. Hamot, and 300 bbls of salt,
belonging to Mr. Bracket, of Salina, sailed from Erie and arrived at
Grand River - the captain. went on shore, but returned to his vessel
when the gale came on. The schooner now lies sunk in about 5 fathoms
water, some distance from the shore, with the tops of her masts just
above the water, 10 miles below Grand River. The crew are lost -
consisting of Captain White, and a Mr. Norton, pilot, and two others,
all of Erie, Pa. It is thought but little of the cargo can be saved.
The schr. Zephyr, Napier master, from Ashtabula to Sandusky, with a
quantity of goods and salt, was driven on shore near the Pennsylvania
and Ohio line, with the loss of every soul on board - amounting to 10
or 12 persons, the crew and passengers. The body of a female was
found upon the shore of one of the islands, which was the only
discovery that had been then made of the remains of those unfortunate
persons, who had thus suddenly been whelmed in the abyss of
destruction. Hats, bonnets, etc. had floated ashore.
Another small craft is said to be lost, but we have no particulars.
The schooner Elizabeth, of U. C.* is reported to be lost, with most of
her crew, but the report is not confirmed.
The Lake Erie Steam Boat had fortunately just arrived at Detroit, and
made fast to the wharf, as the storm commenced.
* Upper Canada
Lyons Republican (N.Y.)
Friday Sept 21 1821
Marine List
Port of Sodus
Sept. 2d. Sch. Union, Grandy, from Kingston, passengers.
3rd Schr. Richard, Boomer, from Cape Vincent, Passengers
5th Schr. Farmer's Daughter, Ingle do. From Genesee River; Schr.
Wilson, Patterson from Cape Vincent, ballast; Schr. Commodore Perry,
Davis from Ogdensburgh, ballast; schr. Wolcott, Rounds, from
Sackettís Harbor ballast.
9th Schr. Appelona, Cogswell, from Cape Vincent, ballast; schr Java,
Cushman from Ogdensburgh ballast.
11th Schr. Teazer, Pond, from Ogdensburgh, passengers; schr Richard,
Boomer from Cape Vincent. Passengers.
Aug 29 Schr. Union, Grandy for Kingston, pork.
Sept. 6. Schr Richard, Boomer, for Cape Vincent, passengers; schr
Farmer's Daughter, Ingle do; for Oswego, ballast; schr Wilson,
Patterson for 13 Mile Creek, ballast schr. Commodore Perry, Davis for
Genesee River, ballast; schr Wolcott, Rounds for Niagara ballast.
Sept. 10 Schr. Appelona, Cogswell for Genesee River ballast, schr Java,
Cushman, for Genesee River, ballast.
13 Schr. Teazer, Pond for Cape Vincent, staves and passengers; schr
Richard, Boomer, for Sackettís Harbor, with fruit and passengers.
Geneva Gazette, Wed Aug. 28,1822
Buffalo Aug 20
The Steam-Boat Superior, Capt. Rogers, returned to our harbor on
Saturday last in distress, having broken one of the pinion wheels of
her engine, while contending against a severe head wind on Wednesday
night preceding . As she left this port the day before, she had
reached no farther than Black River, where the accident happened.
Capt. R. On his return put into Cleaveland, where he chartered a
vessel to carry his passengers to Detroit; after which he made the
best of his way to this port by means of the boats sails. Capt. R.,
left this place for New York, day before yesterday, to procure a new
wheel, and will probably be ready to take the Lake again in about two
weeks. - Journal.
Geneva Gazette, Nov.20 ,1822
We learn that a boat which left Sackettís Harbor on Thursday the
31st. Ult., bound for this port with a cargo of whiskey, ashes and
other property was lost in a gale near Grenadier Island, and every
man on board supposed to have been drowned, as there had been nothing
heard of them since the accident: the names of the captain and crew
we have not learned.- A few casks of the whiskey had been picked up
afloat, but it was said a small part of the cargo only would be
saved. The boat and cargo was the property of Mrs Jesse Smith of
Sackettís Harbor.- Ogdensburg Gaz.
Traveling In The Old Days
3 months ago
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