May 23
Moravian missionary Christian Frederick Post passes through the future Chemung County area.
May 28
British officer Henry Gladwin, stationed in New York City, receives orders from General Jeffrey Amherst, to lead a force to Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh) report to Brigadier General Robert Monckton, and then to move along the Lake Erie forts and take command at Fort Niagara.
Sep 8
Amherst forces the surrender of Montréal, ending the French and Indian War.
Nov 1
Western New York land agent Joseph Ellicott is born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
The approximate date Abraham Scrantom settles in Durham, Connecticut. His great-great-grandson Edwin Scrantom will be a Rochester pioneer. ** Alexander Millener, George Washington's drummer boy, is born in Adams Basin. ** New York's population ranks it seventh among the colonies.
Oct 6
Rochester co-founder William Fitzhugh is born in Calvert, Maryland, to planter William Fitzhugh and his wife Ann Peregrine Frisby Fitzhugh.
Views of Upper and Lower Genesee Falls is published in London. ** Cadwallader Colden is appointed lieutenant governor. ** Politician Philip Schuyler visits England, views its canals.
Dec 8
Sir William Johnson writes from Johnson Hall to General Sir Jeffery Amherst in New York City, trying to alert the commander to the Indian dangers brewing in the northwest, gives the letter to his Mohawk messenger Oughnour (Daniel) to deliver.
Two traders are murdered near the Seneca village of Kanadasega.
The Seneca grant 500 acres of their land to a settler named Steadman.
Apr 4
Captain Henry Montour writes to his superior William Johnson from the scene, describing his destruction of Indian villages in the Big Flats area.
May 10
Johnson, accompanied by young Joseph Brant, holds an Indian congress at Niagara. Senecas turn 14 English prisoners, along with some deserters and runaway slaves, over to Johnson; promise to stop harassing the British.
The western portion of the Seneca tribe makes peace with Sir William Johnson.
A premature frost in the central part of the state will cause a poor harvest the following year.
Nov 17
Rebellious Indians submit to British forces on the Muskingum River in Ohio, ending Pontiac's War.
Early in the year the young Seneca Joseph Brant is encouraged to join the war parties
sent out by Sir William Johnson to attack the Delaware Indians rebelling in the Chemung and Susquehanna valleys.
Syracuse pioneer Comfort Tyler is born in Ashford, Connecticut. ** Indians lead by Chief Montour destroy a white settlement at Canisteo, in the future Steuben County. ** General Edward Braddock leads an expedition against the Western Indians. One of his soldiers, William Markham II, is quite impressed with lands in the mid-Genesee Valley. ** British general Edward Bradstreet sets out from Oswego to find and engage Pontiac.
Apr 17
New York surveyor and congressman Benjamin Ellicott is born in Ellicotts Mills, Maryland.
New York attorney general John Tabor Kempe informs Indian agent William Johnson that English law does not recognize aboriginal land rights. Johnson will reply that the Indians are a sovereign nation and do not fall under English jurisdiction.
Sir Henry Moore is named provincial governor. ** The Iroquois population reaches approximately 10,000. ** Oneida, chief Thomas King proposes a line be designated separating settler land from Indian land, with generous amounts allotted the settlers.
Jun 24
Rochester pioneer Dr. Matthew Brown is born in Brookfield, Massachusetts.
Oneida chiefs at Kanonwalohale empower Samuel Kirkland to appoint their fellow tribesmen to intercept liquor coming into the village.
The invasion of new forms of pests causes crop failures for the Oneida Indians.
Dec 8
Sir William Johnson writes from Johnson Hall to General Sir Jeffery Amherst in New York City, trying to alert the commander to the Indian dangers brewing in the northwest, gives the letter to his Mohawk messenger Oughnour (Daniel) to deliver.
Two traders are murdered near the Seneca village of Kanadasega.
The Seneca grant 500 acres of their land to a settler named Steadman.
Apr 4
Captain Henry Montour writes to his superior William Johnson from the scene, describing his destruction of Indian villages in the Big Flats area.
May 10
Johnson, accompanied by young Joseph Brant, holds an Indian congress at Niagara. Senecas turn 14 English prisoners, along with some deserters and runaway slaves, over to Johnson; promise to stop harassing the British.
The western portion of the Seneca tribe makes peace with Sir William Johnson.
A premature frost in the central part of the state will cause a poor harvest the following year.
Nov 17
Rebellious Indians submit to British forces on the Muskingum River in Ohio, ending Pontiac's War.
Early in the year the young Seneca Joseph Brant is encouraged to join the war parties
sent out by Sir William Johnson to attack the Delaware Indians rebelling in the Chemung and Susquehanna valleys.
Syracuse pioneer Comfort Tyler is born in Ashford, Connecticut. ** Indians lead by Chief Montour destroy a white settlement at Canisteo, in the future Steuben County. ** General Edward Braddock leads an expedition against the Western Indians. One of his soldiers, William Markham II, is quite impressed with lands in the mid-Genesee Valley. ** British general Edward Bradstreet sets out from Oswego to find and engage Pontiac.
Apr 17
New York surveyor and congressman Benjamin Ellicott is born in Ellicotts Mills, Maryland.
New York attorney general John Tabor Kempe informs Indian agent William Johnson that English law does not recognize aboriginal land rights. Johnson will reply that the Indians are a sovereign nation and do not fall under English jurisdiction.
Sir Henry Moore is named provincial governor. ** The Iroquois population reaches approximately 10,000. ** Oneida, chief Thomas King proposes a line be designated separating settler land from Indian land, with generous amounts allotted the settlers.
Jun 24
Rochester pioneer Dr. Matthew Brown is born in Brookfield, Massachusetts.
Oneida chiefs at Kanonwalohale empower Samuel Kirkland to appoint their fellow tribesmen to intercept liquor coming into the village.
The invasion of new forms of pests causes crop failures for the Oneida Indians.
Nov 7
Rochester co-founder Charles Carroll (of Bellevue, to distinguish himself from his cousin Charles Carroll of Carrollton) is born to Charles Carroll and his wife in Carrollsburg (his father’s estate), Maryland.
Last year’s failed harvest causes a famine among the Oneida.
U. S. Postmaster General Gideon Granger is born in Suffield.
Bucks County miller Jo Ellicott, father of the Ellicott brothers, future surveyors, inherits an estate in England. He travels there, sells the estate, and returns home 1500 pounds richer.
Apr 20
New York landowner James Wadsworth is born to justice of the peace John Noyes Wadsworth and his wife Esther Parsons Wadsworth in Durham, Connecticut.
Nov 5
The Iroquois sign the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, negotiated by Johnson, aided by Joseph
Brant, ceding Indian lands between the Ohio and Tennessee rivers, including western
Pennsylvania, to the crown. The new Treaty Line separates Indian-white lands. The Indians are given presents worth £10,460.7.3 sterling.
Nov 9
Future governor Joseph Christopher Yates is born in Schenectady, to Christopher and Jane Gradt Yates.
Mar 2
New York governor De Witt Clinton is born in Little Britain to James and Mary De Witt Clinton.
Mill owner and watchmaker Jo Ellicott, aided by his 15-year-old son Andrew, builds a eight-foot, four-faced astronomical and musical clock.
© 2011 David Minor / Eagles Byte
U. S. Postmaster General Gideon Granger is born in Suffield.
Bucks County miller Jo Ellicott, father of the Ellicott brothers, future surveyors, inherits an estate in England. He travels there, sells the estate, and returns home 1500 pounds richer.
Apr 20
New York landowner James Wadsworth is born to justice of the peace John Noyes Wadsworth and his wife Esther Parsons Wadsworth in Durham, Connecticut.
Nov 5
The Iroquois sign the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, negotiated by Johnson, aided by Joseph
Brant, ceding Indian lands between the Ohio and Tennessee rivers, including western
Pennsylvania, to the crown. The new Treaty Line separates Indian-white lands. The Indians are given presents worth £10,460.7.3 sterling.
Nov 9
Future governor Joseph Christopher Yates is born in Schenectady, to Christopher and Jane Gradt Yates.
Mar 2
New York governor De Witt Clinton is born in Little Britain to James and Mary De Witt Clinton.
Mill owner and watchmaker Jo Ellicott, aided by his 15-year-old son Andrew, builds a eight-foot, four-faced astronomical and musical clock.
© 2011 David Minor / Eagles Byte