Submitted by Richard Palmer
Ontario Repository, Canandaigua July 23, 1822
Erie Canal Navigation
Utica July 9
Arrived since our last. 47 boats and one raft with 4405 barrels flour
430 barrels salt 72 do. pork 64 do ashes, 1690 bushels wheat, 42229
feet boards, 6363 gallons whiskey.
Cleared same time 35 boats with 90 tons merchandise, 16 do. Mill
machinery, passengers &c
(At this time, this portion of the canal was only open between
Irondequoit and Lyons)
Western Farmer, Palmyra, N.Y., April 24, 1822
The Elegant and Superb Packet Boat MYRON HOLLEY, has commenced
running on the Canal. Parties of pleasure can be accommodated either
with a trip to Lyons, or to the Irondequoit Embankment. This work is
now in successful progression, and presents to view a scene as novel
and grand and interesting to every beholder.
The Boat can leave this place in the morning, and visit either
of the above places and return in the evening, or remain over night,
as best suits the passengers.
Palmyra, April 23, 1822.
N.B. The Boat will soon commence running on her regular trips
in connection with the passage Boats on the Middle Section, after
which time it will not be so convenient to accommodate parties.
Traveling In The Old Days
3 months ago
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