Earlier this month I received a copy of the following letter from New Society of the Genesee member Gerry Muhl, addressed to New York governor David Paterson.
All of you fans of canals out there might like to follow up with your own message to the governor.
To Write To The Governor:
David A. Paterson
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
e-mail can be found at:
Gerry’s letter:
Dear Governor Paterson:
On December 23, 2008, Congress passed the new law PL110-456 that creates a successor to the popular 50 State quarter dollar program.
The law requires new quarter reverse designs emblematic of a national park or national site in each state. The program begins in 2010.
The governor of each state has until September 19, 2009 to propse to the U. S. Treasury the site the state wishes to be represented on its National Park commemorative quarter.
As Assistant Curator for the Rochester Numismatic Association I would like to propose that our State’s choice for the quarter be the newly-formed Erie Canal National Corridor. The completion of the canal in 1825 encouraged tremendous growth of both Upstate and Downstate New York and made New York the center of commerce for the nation,
Gerald E. Muhl
Traveling In The Old Days
3 months ago
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