Thursday, July 7, 2011

Goble Yard

Oswego Daily Times, March 27, 1915

A memento of the halcyon days at the Goble dry dock, when a large force of ship carpenters was engaged with plane and saw, was picked up during the last week by Allie Barbeau, who was watching the work of the tearing down of this plant to make way for the Barge Canal terminal. It was a time book of 1865, a book half a century old, with the names of many schooners and ship carpenters who have since made their last voyage.

Among the names of ship carpenters on the book, men who will be remembered by the older residents are those of J. Goble, G.W. Goble, N.C. Goble, W. Keefe, P. Lamoree, P. Callahan, A. Allen, L. Ward, J. King, F. Lemmie, J. Lemmie, N. Malette, F. Santano, Thomas King, B. Roy, J. Smith, P. Smith, G. McIntosh, W. Heagerty, A. Anderson, J. Crowley, W. Crowley, J. Barbeau, C. Hayes, Messrs. Edwards, Garahan, Wilson, Anderson, Santano, P. Barbeau, J. Collins, E. Gokey, J. Blackburn, F. Raber, J. Dufresne, E. Budd, L. Martin, A. Blackburn. Many of the names, written in lead pencil, have defied the flight of time and are now as plain as when first inscribed.

Of the boats listed, which were either constructed or repaired, are the Algerine, Star of the North, Scow Markwell, M. Melvin, Baham, Propeller Norman, Idaho, Tug Tornado, Hyphon, Hartzell, Jesse Anderson, Preston, Brady, W.H. Hoag, Coral, W.B. Ogden, Emau, Richmond, Henry Fitzhugh, Catherine, Caroline, May Queen, Annexation, Crusader, Canadian.

Submitted by Dick Palmer

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